
One of the key functions of MOCRA is to provide a National Rating Rule which allows multihulls of all shapes and sizes to compete on an equal footing. For example, MOCRA has it’s own ‘class’ entry in the JPM Round the Island race.

To obtain a rating, click on the MOCRA rating link at the right. The link is to a website which provides up to date information on the Rating Rule as well as a downloadable application form. The cost of a rating to members is just £26 and is administered by MOCRA volunteers.

See the racing calendar for the known events…. please contact the Racing Secretary if you are looking to start racing in your area and we will try to link you up with your nearest MOCRA members.

Rating Development Methodology

A Proposal to modify the TCF can be presented by an ordinary MOCRA member to any member of RC committee member – or presented by a member of the RC.
It is suggested they do this using a standard format that includes:

  • Name of proposer, boat name, date, RC member approached
  • The aim of the proposal and rationale for it (i.e. brief reasons why you are proposing the change)
  • RC member can then present the form and explain the proposal to the RC.

The RC will then agree to investigate proposal further and the actions required to do so.
The RC will dismiss proposal and state why in writing to the proposer.

If investigated further the RC will review results of further investigation when complete. (This iteration may be repeated a number of times and take some time).
When it is felt that adequate evidence has been accumulated the RC will vote to accept or reject the proposal – a simple majority will decide the issue.

MOCRA Ratings

For  details of the MOCRA Rating Rule, for application or revalidation forms and for details of individual vessel certificates and ratings please see the 

Racing with Monohulls

Some of our members find they have little opportunity to race unless they race against monohulls, and have asked for help in providing a suitable rating. With the understanding that this is inevitably rough and ready guidance because of the difference in sailing characteristics, we offer the document below for the guidance of members and Race Officers looking to set handicaps for mixed fleets of boats including those with a MOCRA TCF. Conversions are given for Portsmouth Yardstick and the RYA’s National Handicap for Cruisers initial TCF (which is very close to an IRC TCF).

Guidance on converting MOCRA TCF to PY or RYA NHC