Dear MOCRA Member,
I am delighted to announce that the MOCRA AGM this year will take place on Saturday 18th November 2023 at the RNLI College in Poole. The venue will be ours from 6pm, and the meeting will begin at 6:30pm. The AGM will be followed by dinner and prize giving, plus a talk by Merfyn Owen of Owen Clark Design. Merfyn has designed a number of well known boats including monohulls for Mike Golding and for Ellen MacArthur (Kingfisher). The talk will be entitled ‘Designing a multihull changed my life, sailing and designing 1985-2023’. His sailing CV as well as his yacht design CV is wide ranging and extensive and it promises to be a full and fascinating talk.
Dinner comes at a cost of £35.50 a head. There is a menu choice and payment must be made in advance. I therefore ask that you get your menu choice and money to me no later than Thursday November 2nd. Please email me at email hidden; JavaScript is required with your menu choice, and make your payment of £35.50 to:
Account Name – MOCRA
Account Number – 15642356
Sort Code – 60 80 08
Please use your name as a reference.
Hotel rooms are available at the venue, and a limited number of these will be at the discounted rate of £95 for single occupancy and £105 for double occupancy rooms. Just mention that you are attending the MOCRA AGM that will take place there on contacting the hotel. Tel: 0300 3007654
This year’s trophies will be handed out at the AGM, and we sincerely hope to see trophy winners at the AGM to be able to congratulate you and give you your trophies. There are a number of trophies out there which need returning. If you are able to return these it would be much appreciated. Should you be in possession of a trophy but not know how best to return it please let me know. Thank you.
The following documents will be available from the front page of the MOCRA website: and from the Facebook page in due course.
- AGM Agenda.
- Minutes of the previous AGM.
- A list of the current officers of MOCRA
- The menu for the AGM dinner.
I have chosen not to add any attachments to this initial email as many of your email addresses reject google emails with attachments as spam and I wish to ensure this may be widely read, hence we are adding the documents to the website and Facebook page for you to find there.
All members of the Executive Committee are (re)elected each year. We currently have a vacancy for Social Secretary, and our Honorary Treasurer has been in post for longer than anyone can remember. He would very much like someone else to step up. There is also a vacancy for publications secretary which largely includes collating The Review and liaising with the publishers. Please let me know if you are interested in any of these positions.
The constitution states: “Nominations for officers and committee members shall be made in writing at least twenty-one days before any Annual General Meeting except that additional nominations may be made at any Annual General Meeting to fill any vacancy remaining.” At present there are no nominations for the Executive Committee. Nominations must be made by 28th October.
The constitution states: “Any member wishing to propose a motion shall give notice of the same to the Honorary Secretary at least twenty-one days before the meeting.” Therefore, if you have a motion for the AGM to consider you need to get it to me by the 28th October to meet the requirements of the constitution.
As soon as possible after that, I will send a proxy form to all members so you can participate in the AGM even if you are not able to attend the meeting, and again add these documents to the website and to the Facebook page.
It is now coming towards the end of the sailing season for many of us. We would love to have reports of the sailing you have done that we can share with your fellow MOCRA members in the MOCRA Review. The Review is one of the things that members say they value highly, but we need your contributions to share. A contribution might be anything from a couple of paragraphs and a photo upwards. All articles will be published providing that they arrive with us by Christmas. Time is needed to collate and prepare for publication.
Hope to see many of you on 18th November.
With kind regards
Melanie Holder
Hon. Secretary MOCRA
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