Dear MOCRA Member,
We are delighted to announce that the MOCRA AGM this year will again be a physical event. It will take place on Saturday 13th November 2021 at the Royal Thames Yacht Club, 60 Knightsbridge, London. The venue will be ours from 12 noon, and the meeting will start punctually at 12:30pm. The AGM will be followed by lunch and prize giving We also have a guest speaker.
Lunch comes at a cost of £26 a head. For catering purposes we need to know numbers in advance. Please email me with your menu choice no later than one week before the event: email hidden; JavaScript is required
The meal will be a choice of:
- Shepherds pie
- Fish Pie
- A vegetarian option still under discussion.
All will be served with vegetables, and there will be a dessert.
Royal Thames have rooms available. Please email email hidden; JavaScript is required or call 0207 2352121 mentioning the MOCRA AGM to reserve a room should you wish to stay. Single and double rooms are available at £155 a night including a continental breakfast.
The following documents are available from this page and the front page of the MOCRA website:
1. AGM Agenda.
2. Minutes of the previous AGM.
3. A list of the current officers of MOCRA (MOCRA data sheet)
All members of the Executive Committee are (re)elected each year.
The constitution states: !Nominations for officers and committee members shall be made in writing at least twenty-one days before any Annual General Meeting except that additional nominations may be made at any Annual General Meeting to fill any vacancy remaining.” At present there are no nominations for the Executive Committee. Nominations must be made by 23rd October.
The constitution states: !Any member wishing to propose a motion shall give notice of the same to the Honorary Secretary at least twenty-one days before the meeting.” Therefore, if you have a motion for the AGM to consider you need to get it to me by the 23rd October to meet the requirements of the constitution.
As soon as possible after that, I will send a proxy form to all members so you can participate in the AGM even if you are not able to attend the meeting.
MOCRA AGM Agenda 2021
MOCRA 2020 AGM Proxy Email
MOCRA Accounts 2020
Regional Reports
Race Secretary’s Report
Commodore’s Report