Any interested domestic or international multihull sailor / owner is very welcome to join MOCRA! MOCRA has its roots in the U.K. Nevertheless, a growing number of members are based outside the U.K. Currently, international members represent about 40% of MOCRA’s communitiy.

The process of joining MOCRA is actually quite straight forward and consists of 2 simple steps:
  • Step 1:
    Kindly complete / amend the attached MOCRA Member Data Form. Please return the completed document to our Membership Secretary’s (email hidden; JavaScript is required) attention; PDF is perfectly fine.

  • Step 2:
    Please arrange your annual MOCRA membership payment. This will be either:

    • GBP 25,- for an annual MOCRA membership or
    • GBP 51,- for the annual MOCRA membership and a MOCRA rating certificate.
You can arrange payment either through:

  • MOCRA’s online payment facilities (you can find these here) or alternatively by …
  • … bank transfer to MOCRA’s bank account:
    Multihull Offshore Cruising and Racing Association
    Bank: Nat West PLC, Sort Code: 60-80-08, Account Number: 15642356, IBAN:GB77 NWBK 6080 0815 6423 56, BIC address: NWBKGB2L
    Bank Address: Nat West PLC, Temple Bar Branch, 217 Strand, London, WC2R 1AL, UK

  • Kindly note: please reference your name and your boat’s name when making your payment.
Once we have received both – your completed MOCRA Member Data Form and your annual membership fee payment -, the process of joining MOCRA will have successfully been completed.
You can find more details about the MOCRA rating on MOCRA’s special rating web site: